Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spam Haiku Public Service Announcement

Spamvy is a growing problem in America, but one that easily prevented by eating delicious Spam in any of its wonderful forms. Here are the two forms of Spamvy.

Spamvy (Psychological): This form of the problem comes about when you see others eating and enjoying the great taste of Spam, yet you know they probably won't share with you. Realizing they won't share causes the victim to have an emotional crisis. Keeping a can of Spam on hand can alleviate the early stages of Spamvy, and prevent the need for medical intervention.

Spamvy (Physiological): This form of the problem comes about when your diet has been deficient of Spam. The physiological form of Spamvy can be exacerbated by the psychological form. Like the psychological form, this problem can cured by preparing a meal which includes Spam.

For extreme cases of either form, Spam should be served straight from the can until the patient regains his/her sanity. From there, Spam should be included with each meal until the crisis passes. A complete preventative regime should include 4-6 servings of Spam per week.


  1. Just want to point out
    This is, in no way, haiku
    Spam, or otherwise

  2. Spread warning by mouth.
    I was ignored and laughed at.
    Now I post info!

  3. I want to personally thank you for drawing much needed attention to this potential threat to our freedom.
    Having in the past suffered from Spamvy, I can say that this misery is only too real.
